Are You in the Mood?
What mood, you ask? Well, that is entirely up to you, all because of these revolutionary new product, introducing the MOIST MOOD RING!
You may be saying to yourself, "This looks the same as all the other mood rings that those fat cat corporations have been trying to shove down my throat with their hands in my pockets. DON'T TELL ME HOW TO FEEL YOU GREEDY GUHD FUR NUTTINS!! SUMBITCHIN'! HAFFLEMASH!!!"
Well calm down there, because here at MOIST CLOTHING AND JUNK we believe in THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE!
So we've given you THREE, that's right, THREE DIFFERENT MOOD SET CHOICES!
Take a look at the photos and pick whichever MOOD SET that fits you best. Then GIT TO MOODIN' you lovable lil scamps you!